Degree show: A current's only path to existence
Montpellier Contemporain École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts

Degree show (MFA): A current's only path to existence
Mo.Co.Esba, Montpellier

Performance. Video installations. Found objects. Projections.
Image credit: Yohann Gozard. 2022.
A current's only path to existence (excerpt/translated)
I’ve been thinking of the word “fragment”, derived from the latin term “frangere”, which translates into broken,
or shattered,
as a conintuity that has been disrupted
The line carries a fracture
This idea of the “fragment” allows me to seek for asymmetries;
Building blocks for an infinite combination
The image of the alphabet
L'unique vie d'un flux (extrait/texte original)
Je trouve très beau le mot Fragment
Qui provient du mot latin frangere,
qui veut dire broken; brisé
Donc il y a une continuité qui a été rompue
La ligne porte une brisure
Cette idée me permet de chercher des asymétries Blocs de construction pour une combinaison infinie
L’image de l’alphabet

Performance. Video installations. Found objects. Projections.
Image credit: Yohann Gozard. 2022.