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Alice Olausson



Lauréate Montpellier Contemporain

Once upon a skyscraper: A pigeon's silent song

25M, São Paulo


Risco de queda

Group show, 25M, São Paulo


Featuring  Philip Berg, Sam Krack, Chia Lee, Alice Olausson, Alba Sagols and Nesrine Salem


Once upon a skyscraper: A pigeon's silent song

Installation/Site-specific installation: Book object and bathroom shelf. 20 x 20 x 15 cm. C-print of book cover. 90 x 150 cm. 

Risco de queda

Six young artists have been selected for this edition of the French residency program, Saison 6: Philip Berg, Sam Krack, Chia Lee, Alice Olausson, Alba Sagols and Nesrine Salem.


After a month in contact with São Paulo's art scene, experiencing the preparations of the São Paulo Biennial, the artists are carrying out new projects for 25M, with Ana Roman accompanying them. The entirety of the city's landscape and history are still enigmas for the artists. The exhibition presents elements of their experiences: preconceived ideas that have been challenged, déjà-vus that have been awakened and discoveries that only the residency process has allowed.


Over the course of its two-week duration, the forms of the exhibition will unfold, letters may be added and sentences formed.

Risco de queda is an exhibition in process, inviting you to return to see it change. 


Para esta edição, foram selecionados seis jovens artistas: Philip Berg, Sam Krack, Chia Lee, Alice Olausson, Alba Sagols e Nesrine Salem.


Após um mês em contato com a cena artística de São Paulo, vivenciando a preparação da Bienal de São Paulo, os artistas realizam projetos inéditos para a 25M com acompanhamento de Ana Roman.


A totalidade da paisagem e da história da cidade são ainda enigmas para os artistas. A mostra oferece aos espectadores elementos de suas experiências: ideias pré-concebidas que foram enganadas, déjà-vus que foram despertados e descobertas que apenas o processo de residência permitiu.


Ao longo de suas duas semanas de duração, as formas da exposição se desdobrarão, letras poderão ser acrescentadas e frases formadas.


Risco de queda é uma exposição em processo, que convida ao retorno.

Below: Some screenshots from the book-object containing restored scanned images of analog photos, and an archive of 3D-templates. 

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 16.45.20.png
exhibition 25m sao paulo.jpg

A huge special thanks to Ana Roman at Pivô for the wonderful support and encouragement for this project, as well as to Bruno and Fernando at 25M for helping us and making this happen. 


Alice Olausson


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